Hey There!
My name is Anna :)
I'm a Christian wife and mama (+homeschool teacher) to 2 little boys ♡
I'm 28 years old and currently live in Texas.
I have so many interests and favorite things but let me try to list a few: I enjoy nature photography, graphic design, singing and playing guitar. I love rainy days, lazy evenings and pasta, lots of pasta! I consider myself a pretty joyful person, I can usually find something positive in each situation. I do have my struggles though, including anxiety and panic attacks but God always helps me though it and life is good because of him.
I find motherhood to be such a blessing and lots of fun. it definitely has it's hard or frustrating moments but behind the dirty diapers and sleepless nights hides an incredible world full of laughter, sillyness and unexplainable love. It's such a privilege to be a little part of the miracle of life.
One thing I didn't mention above, but that actually involves several of the things I love, is my youtube channel(s). I've been on youtube for many years on different channels. After all these years I'm still not tired of it haha. I love being able to create different videos where I can express myself and be creative. It brings me so much satisfaction to work on a project and then see the end result when I'm done. On my channel 'Always Anna' I share lifestyle and motherhood videos, things like cleaning, decluttering, some cooking, activity ideas to do with your kids etc. etc.
My hope is that my channel and this site can help you in some way and bring something positive to your day.
Thanks so much for being here!